Friday, 28 November 2008

Location Shots on Day of the Shoot

We decided to use the student area outside of Room 207 as it was the most practcal choice as would not disrupt any classes and we could take our time on getting it right.

After a few technical hitches (the power supply mysteriously not working where we wanted our computers to be) we could begin to practise our timing with the already recorded footage and the new shoot.

We shot from several different angles to see which one works best, in some of the shots the monitor was blocked from view by the actor, some of them got too much glow from the monitors and others worked out fine. This gave the group many different angles to choose from and develope further indevidually in their editing.

Once we had finished we reviewed the film to make sure we were all happy with the footage. I feel we all worked well together as a group to make sure everyone had the angle that they were happy with to portray the story in their own way.

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