Monday, 7 December 2009

Game - Find the Worm

One of the Javascript exercises we did was to create a simple game. James and I have worked together on this. James is designing a website for a library so I thought it would be a great idea to make a game with a book film as we could then both use it in our websites.

We came up with the idea of Find the Worm, this is a game where a grid of closed books are displayed, when the user clicks on them to try to find the book worm that is eating the books. The books open up when clicked on.

I am really happy with the game as it is but I would love to develop it more by creating an alert that comes up when the worm is found, at the minute the user just carries on even when they have found the worm. It would also be great to have a counter too so that the user will find out how many turns it took for them to find the worm. That way they will keep playing to try to beat their prvious score.

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