Sunday, 13 December 2009

Mansfield - Marketing Company

Being really tired on a sunday afternoon and mis-typing MSN into my browser caused me to happen upon this little website: which is a 'technology marketing' agency. Normally when this happens I just re-navigate my way carefully back to MSN but this time the wrong website caught my eye. This may have been the monkey they put on the first page or it might have been the tab that says 'web development forum'. So off I went on a wonder. It was wat they had written in the 'Read Between the Code' section that caught my eye and thought I had to share.

To help you steer through the minefield of potentially costly miscommunications that characterize 'Web Integrator Speak' here's a quick glossary of terms and statements:
What your friendly web integrator really means when he/she says:
"Your site really needs a Flash Intro"
Translation: 'I'm dying to play with some cool multimedia software and would like you to pay for me to learn the software'
"We'll put a firm timeline in place"
Translation: In two weeks we'll generate a lengthy list of impressive milestones etched for posterity in M/S Project. We'll then ignore every element of the timeline and spend most of our time finding excuses why you the client are responsible for the overhang
"You know your target audiences"
Translation: 'We have no intention of learning who those people are. And if they don't live in a big city, wear hip clothes and go to impressive sounding networking events they're beneath our consideration anyway'
"Bandwidth is not an issue anymore"
Translation: 'If any of your site visitors have the audacity to use anything less than a T3 they are beyond our contempt'
"Can we meet to go over the project"
Translation: 'We need to hit you up for money. Geez, how were we to know that the six level rollover wouldn't work with Netscape 4.05?'

1 comment:

Dan Ryland said...

Brilliant post! Haha