Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Playing with the HD Camcorder

For me to be able to help Bindi (a third year multimedia student) with her AV project I had the chance to learn how to use the Sony HD camcorders. This session was tought by another third year multimedia student. We experimented with the manual and auromatic focus and shot some footage with different frames.

This first one is a Close up:

This One is a close up (or head shot) of Diana:

This one is Mid shot of me sat down:

After some experiments indoors we were given a shotlist that we had to shoot outside the Waverley building.

This is a shot of the main doors:

Then we had to shoot a Mid Shot of someone looking towards the doors:

Next we took a Mid Shot of someone telling us who they were and what they were doing:

And finally, we took a Close up of someone telling us who they were and what they were doing:

So that was my afternoon spent learning how to use the cameras! : )

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