Sunday, 22 February 2009

Research Writing Task

For the past few years my creativity has partially been for a qualification and partially for self satisfaction. Last year it was to gain a foundation diploma and a few years before that it was for my A levels. Even though my creativity has so far been for qualification needs I believe it has been done for me. I want these qualifications to better myself and channel my creativeness into something useful, to enhance my ideas with new media and techniques. I believe that I have created things in my own way, true we are quite often given briefs to fulfil but they are always really broad allowing me to interpret it however I want to. I hope in the future that I can continue to interpret briefs to how I want, giving me a free rein.

I believe that to be able to know where I am going I need to know what has happened before. Research is very important in a creative industry for example I create something thinking it is brilliant, one of a kind only to find out that Joe Blogs and his auntie did that 5 years ago. Or I spend weeks and weeks on producing a website for a client only to find out that half of the imagery or colours I have used will offend half of the intended users of the website because of religious or moral beliefs.

My starting point in an investigation is often to explain a topic and describe it to the reader, I tend to shy away from interim research, thinking about emerging trends.

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